The owner of
the “Philadelphia Evening Journal, Albert D Boileau was arrested on January 27th
1863 for allegedly printing anti-Union stories.
Albert D
Boileau was the proprietor of the Philadelphia Evening Journal. On the night of January 27th 1863
Union military authorities arrested him under a warrant drawn up by the War
Department in Washington, DC. The
charge was that he was printing anti-Union propaganda. It centered around an editorial he had published
on January 20th 1863 entitled “Davis’ Message”. Boileau was held for a few days at Fort
McHenry, Baltimore, Maryland until he made an apology and was released.
D. BOILEAU, citizen of Philadelphia, editor and publisher of the Philadelphia Evening
Journal, now confined in Fort McHenry, for the publication of an editorial
article, under the title of "Davis' Message," in that newspaper, Jan.
20, 1863, and for the publication of other articles of like dangerous
character, tending to the support and encouragement of the rebellion against
the Government of the United States, do hereby freely and voluntarily express
my regret for the publication of that article, or of any other article of like
tendency or character, and distinctly disavow such-article or articles being
published with my proper authority or knowledge, and declare that each
publication has been made by other persons, agents or employees, without my
sanction and intention, and I do hereby further give to Maj.-Gen. HOBERT C.
SCHENCK, commanding the Middle Department and Eighth Army Corps, by whose
order, in behalf of the Government, I have been arrested, my sacred parole of
honor that upon being discharged from my present imprisonment, and the
suspension of the publication of my newspaper being removed, I will not write,
print, or publish, or permit others in my name to write, print, or publish, any
articles having such dangerous character, or tending to the support or
encouragement of the rebellion; but will demean myself in all things as true
and loyal citizen of the United States, intending only to support the
Government, the Constitution and the Union as a faithful citizen should; and it
is to be further understood that these declarations and pledges are made as
well to relate to matter hereafter to be published in the weekly newspaper
called the Democratic Leader, made up from the daily Philadelphia Evening
Journal itself, and to any other newspaper that may be published or controlled
by me.”