Monday, October 11, 2010

To The Top Of Mount Rainier

Union General Hazard Stevens, who received the Medal of Honor for service at the Battle of Fort Huger died October 11th 1918.

Hazard Stevens was born June 9th 1842 in Newport, Rhode Island the son of Isaac I and Margaret [Hazard] Stevens. The family moved to Olympia, Washington in 1854, when Stevens father become governor of the Washington Territory. At the beginning of the Civil War Stevens volunteered in the 79th New York Highlanders and received a Captain’s commission. He was wounded September 1st 1862 at the Battle of Chantilly. After recovering Stevens was promoted to Colonel, with command in the Third Division of the 9th Corps. He received the Medal of Honor for his contribution to the capture of the Confederate held Fort Huger on April 19th 1863 in Virginia. He was brevetted to Brigadier General in the United States Volunteers.

Following the war Stevens returned to Washington, where he worked for the Oregon Steam Navigation Company. On August 17th 1870 he and Marshall F Moore were the first documented men to ever climb Mount Rainier. Steven joined the bar in 1871. He moved to Dorchester, Massachusetts in 1874 becoming a member of the MA State Legislature, and running unsuccessfully for the Congress. In latter life he become a writer. Stevens died in 1819 and is buried in Island Cemetery in Newport, Rhode Island.

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