Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blue Spring And Bulls Gap

The Battle of Blue Springs was fought October 10th 1863 in Green County, Tennessee.

Heading a mission into East Tennessee, Union Major General Ambrose E Burnside and his Department of the Ohio, were to open roads and passes into Virginia and secure the salt works near Abingdon. At the same time Confederate Brigadier General John S Williams set out with his cavalry to take Bulls Gap on E Tennessee & Virginia Railroad and cut Union communications. On October 10th 1863 Union Brigadier General Samuel P Carter’s cavalry division advanced on Blue Spring; about nine miles from Bulls Gap in full force. At about ten in the morning the Union and Confederate cavalry engaged through until the afternoon. Union reconnaissance continued to look for a location to make an infantry attack, which Brigadier General Edward Ferrero with the First Division of the Union IX Corps did at about 5pm. Union troops braking through the Confederate line and advancing almost to the Confederate rear.

The Confederates withdrew after dark. In the morning the Union force persuaded. Williams pulled his men back into Virginia.

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