Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Live Major General Or A Dead Brigadier

Confederate General Abner Monroe Perrin was killed at the Battle of Spotsylvania May 12th 1864.

Abner Monroe Perrin was born February 2nd 1827 in Edgefield, South Carolina.  He was a Lieutenant and served in the infantry during the Mexican American War.  After the war was over Perrin studied for and took up a law practice in 1854.

When the Civil War started Perrin joined the 14th South Carolina as their Captain.  The 14th was part of Confederate Brigadier General Maxcy Gregg’s Light Division.  He saw action at Seven Days, Second Manassas, Antietam, and Fredericksburg.  Perrin took over command of a brigade just before the Battle of Gettysburg in Confederate Major General William Dorsey Pender’s division.  Perrin was promoted to Brigadier General September 10th 1863 and given command of an Alabama brigade in Major General Richard H Anderson division.  He fought with this brigade at the Battle of the Wilderness in May 1864.

When the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House started Perrin said, "I shall come out of this fight a live major general or a dead brigadier."  When Confederate Major General Edward Johnson’s division was overrun at the Mule Shoe the Confederate Third Corps which included Perrin’s brigade was called in.  Perrin led his brigade in a counterattack with his sword in hand.  He was shot from his horse May 12th 1864, being hit by seven bullets.  He is buried in the Confederate Cemetery in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

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