Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Last Killed

Union Private John Jefferson Williams was killed May 13th 1865; he is thought to be last soldier killed in the Civil War.

John Jefferson Williams was born in 1843 in Jay County, Indiana.  After the Civil War had been going a few years, he joined the 34th Indiana Infantry in September 1863.  Williams’ regiment trained at Camp Joe Holt, they spent most of their time doing garrison duty in New Orleans, Louisiana.  Williams and the 34th were part of the Texas occupation of Texas in 1865.

Williams’ first action was in the Battle of Palmito Ranch near Brownsville, Texas, where he was killed on May 13th 1865.  He is buried in the Alexandria National Cemetery in Pineville, Louisiana.

If you would like to know more about John Jefferson Williams, The Death of John Jefferson Williams
Is a good web site.

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