Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Surprise For Kilpatrick

The inconclusive Battle of Monroe’s Crossroads took place in the early morning hours of March 10th 1865.

Confederates under the command of Lieutenant General Wade Hampton and Major General Joseph Wheeler attacked the poorly guarded Union camp in the early morning hours of March 10th 1865. A select squad of troopers were supposed to capture cavalry commander Union Major General Judson Kilpatrick. At first the Union cavalry was routed, but they recovered and made a counterattack, forcing the Confederates back out of camp. Expecting re-enforcements of Union infantry, Hampton ordered his cavalry to disengage, and they withdrew to Fayetteville, North Carolina.

The Battle of Monroe’s Crossroads gave the Confederate infantry time to cross the Cape Fear River at Fayetteville, without Union interference. Once across the river the Confederates burned all the bridges.

A really must read web site for more about this subject is, 1st Alabama Cavalry; Monroe's Crossroads

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