Friday, March 11, 2011

The Other Constitution Of America

The Constitution of the Confederate States of America was adopted on March 11th 1861.

The Confederate States of America operated under the Provisional Constitution from February 8th 1861 until the Constitution of the Confederate States of America was passed on March 11th 1861. The hand-written Constitution is located at the University of Georgia at Athens, Georgia. The Confederate Constitution is an almost word perfect duplicate of the United States Constitution. There are a few changes, such as the President of Confederacy could be elected for only one six year term and that there were no limited powers of the states. The Confederate Constitution also banned international slave trade, just as the United States had in 1808. It also prohibited the Confederate Congress from enacting any law to limit or abolish slavery in any of its territories. The Constitution took effect as soon as five of the Confederate state ratified it.

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