Tuesday, January 12, 2010

He Stayed With His State

Jones Mitchell Withers a United States Army officer in the Mexican American war and a general for the Confederate army during the Civil War was born January 12th 1814.

Jones Mitchell Withers was born in Huntsville, Alabama January 12th 1814 the son of John Wright and Mary Herbert [Jones] Withers. Withers got his early education at the Greene Academy in Huntsville before attending West Point Military Academy. He graduated 1835, 44th out a class of 56. He took a posting at Fort Leavenworth Kansas as a Second Lieutenant in the 1st United States Dragoons.

Withers resigned shortly after and returned to Alabama to practice law, and sell cotton. At the start of the Mexican American war Withers was appointed Lieutenant Colonel and assigned to the 13th United States Infantry. After the war he returned to Alabama where he entered politics serving in the Alabama State Legislature, and then in 1855 with United States House of Representatives.

At the beginning of the Civil War Withers stayed with Alabama and entered the Confederate Army as a Colonel in the 3rd Alabama Infantry. He fought at the Battle of Shiloh and was promoted to Major General. He was leading the 2nd Division of the Army of Tennessee, where they fought with distinction at the Battle of Stones River. He surrendered his troops May 11th 1865 at Meridian Mississippi.

Following the end of the war Withers received a pardon from the Federal Government, and he returned to practicing law. He sold cotton and worked as the editor of the Tribune in Mobile. Withers died in Mobile Alabama March 13th 1890 and is buried in the Magnolia Cemetery.

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