Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Adding California

The Treaty of Cahuenga, which brought the end of the Mexican American war in California was approved on January 13th 1847.

The Treaty of Cahuenga was signed by United States Lieutenant Colonel John C Fremont and Californian General Andres Pico on January 13th 1847. They use the kitchen table in the adobe home of Tomas Feliz in what is now North Hollywood California.. It was written in both Spanish and English by Jose Antonio Carrillo.

The Treaty called for all prisoners from both sides be freed, that Californios give up their weapons, and promise never again to take up arms against the United States. For this promise they could return peaceably to their homes and were given all the right of citizens of the Unite States. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo a year latter in 1848 formally added California to the United States.

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