Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Blockading Ship

The Anaconda Blockading Plan
The USS Flambeau began her blockading duty January 22nd 1862 at Port Royal, South Carolina, from which she would work one of the entrances to Charleston Harbor.

The Flambeau was built in Brooklyn, New York by Lawrence and Foulks in 1861.  The Union Navy bought her on November 14th 1861, and she was commissioned under the command of W G Temple on November 27th 1861.  She was assigned to the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, arriving in Nassau, New Providence December 11th 1861.

The Flambeau sailed back to Port Royal, South Carolina, arriving on January 22nd 1862.  She began blockading duty on the Stono Inlet an entrance to the Charleston Harbor.  She spent the next year at this duty capturing several prizes and sending a landing party to destroy the abandoned Fort on Bull’s Island.  It was at Bull’s Island on January 31st 1863 that a foraging party which was sent ashore were captured by Confederates.  The rescue party sent the next day were also captured with one man killed and one wounded.

In April 1863 she was out of service for repairs, but back in action by May, when she took the CSS Betty Kratzer on June 23rd 1863.  Serving near Fernandina, Florida the Flambeau took the CSS schooner the John Gilpin.  She was back out of commission for repairs in New York City from February 10th 1864 until June 2nd 1864.  The Flambeau was back with the squadron by June 21st 1864.  She fired on Confederate Cavalry and civilians at Georgetown, South Carolina on June 23rd 1864, who were working on a couple of wrecks.

The Flambeau continued her duty until the end of the war.  She returned to the New York Navy Yard on May 31st 1865.  The Navy sold her on July 12th 1865.

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