Friday, June 22, 2012

Move On The Left Flank

The Battle of Kolb’s Farm between Union Major General Joseph Hooker’s men and Confederate troops under Lieutenant General John Bell Hood was fought June 22nd 1864.

Confederate General Joseph E Johnston’s Army of Tennessee moved into a line between Big Kennesaw Mountain and Little Kennesaw Mountain.  Union Major General William Tecumseh Sherman started probing this line on June 19th 1864, looking for a week spot.  Sherman decided the spot was the left flank, and he sent Hooker’s XX Corps with the support of Major General John McAllister Schofield to take on that flank near Powder Springs.  Johnston predicted the Union movement and sent Confederate Lieutenant General John Bell Hood’s Corps to cover the Union movement.

Confederate Major General Cater L Stevenson one of Hood’s division commanders moved on the afternoon of June 22nd 1864 toward Kolb’s Farm on the south Powder Springs Road.  They ran into heavy skirmishing with the Union 14th Kentucky and 123rd New York.  Hood ordered his whole Corps; about 11,000 men, to advance up the Powder Springs Road pushing the Union troops ahead of them.  Hooker had information about Hood’s coming troops and had entrenched his Corps of about 15,000 men across the Powder Springs Road.  The marshy terrain and well placed Union artillery stalled Hood’s attack and caused him to have to withdraw.

It was a one sided battle with the Union side coming out on top.  Confederate losses were about 1,000, the Union only had about 350 casualties.

If you would like to read more look at The Battle of Kolb's Farm


  1. Great blog so far, keep it up! Would you be interested in writing a post for the Manic Thought Society on the American Civil War? Thanks, Geoff.

  2. Thanks for the good word on my blog. I love the Civil War, writing this as often as I can keeps me learning. I will check out the Manic Though Society blog.
