Monday, August 22, 2011

An Early Civil Rights Fighter

Benjamin Lundy a Quaker, abolitionist, and the publisher of several anti-slavery newspapers died August 22nd 1839.

Benjamin Lundy born was January 4th 1789 in New Jersey. He worked on the family farm, and attended local schools. In 1815 while living in ST Clairsville, Ohio he founded the Union Humane Society. Shortly after in 1821 he began publishing the “Genius of Universal Emancipation” in Mount Pleasant, Ohio. Lundy met William Lloyd Garrison in 1829 and they co-edited the paper. Lundy traveled lecturing on anti-slavery, and searching for a home place for escaped slaves to colonize. This included two trips to Haiti in 1825 and 1829, and the Canadian Wilberforce Colony in 1831. He moved to Lowell, La Salle, Illinois where he died August 22nd 1839.

A good web site for more information is Benjamin Lundy
Pioneer Quaker Abolitionist, 1789-1839

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