Friday, June 17, 2011

Scalded To Death

The Battle of St Charles was fought as an infantry and naval battle on June 17th 1862.

The USS Conestoga, Lexington, Mound City, St Louis and several transport ships all under the command of Commodore Augustus Kilty headed up the White River in the early morning of June 17th 1862 towards St Charles, Arkansas. The mission was to resupply Union Major General Samuel R Curtis’s army. Below St Charles the 46th Indiana Infantry disembarked and proceeded up the river on foot toward the Confederate batteries under the command of Confederate Captain Joseph Fry. As these troops moved, the Union gunboats continued up the river where they engaged the Confederate batteries. The USS Mound City was hit and her steam drum blew up. More than 125 of the Mound City’s crew were scalded to death. Pulling off the gunboats, the 46th Indiana attacked the Confederate batteries, flanking them. This opened St Charles to Union occupation.

A good web site for more information is ST. CHARLES BATTLE SITE, ST. CHARLES, ARKANSAS COUNTY

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