Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Naval And Ground Battle

Fought in Washington County, North Carolina, the Battle of Plymouth took place April 17th through April 20th 1864.

The Battle of Plymouth started April 17th 1864 when the combined force of the Confederate ironclad the CSS Albemarle and Major General Robert F Hoke’s soldiers attacked the Union garrison at Plymouth, North Carolina. The Union force was under the command of Colonel Henry W Wessells, and included 4 infantry and artillery units. The CSS Albemarle sunk the Union USS Southfield, damaged the USS Miami and drove off the rest of the Union ships that were protecting the garrison at Plymouth on April 19th 1864. Following this Hoke’s men captured Fort Comfort and drove the Union troops into Fort Williams. On April 20th 1864 the Union garrison surrendered.

Check out this web site for more information about the battle, Plymouth The Keystone

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