Friday, October 8, 2010

Control Of Kentucky

The Battle of Perryville, also sometimes called the Battle of Chaplin Hills was fought October 8th 1862 in Perryville, Kentucky.

Union General Don Carlos Buell’s Army of the Ohio with about 55,000 troops, converged on the town of Perryville, Kentucky pursuing Confederate General Braxton Bragg and his Army of Mississippi. The fighting began at dawn October 8th 1862 along the Peters Hill. After noon a Confederate division hit the Union left flank of Major General Alexander M McCook, causing it to fall back. The Union troops formed a line and made a stand, but with more Confederate soldiers coming up the Federal force was routed. Buell was several miles behind the action, and wasn’t aware there was a fight taking place. Once he realized there was a battle taking place he sent in reserves. Two brigades prompted up the Union left flank, halting the Confederate attack.

Following this three regiments of Confederates hit a Union division along the Springfield Pike, finding themselves overwhelmed the Confederates fell back to Perryville. Union troops gave chase, and there was fighting in the streets until darkness fell. By this time there were more Union reinforcement, and Bragg who was short on supplies and man power pulled out during the night, retreating through the Cumberland Gap to Fort Tennessee. This battle left the Union in control of the border state of Kentucky.

For more information about this battle check out this web site The Battle of Perryville

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