Friday, June 4, 2010

Control Of The River

Fort Pillow’s evacuation on June 4th 1862 by the Confederate Army opened the Mississippi River to the Union.

Fort Pillow built by the Confederate Army in 1861 in Maury County, was named for General Gideon J Pillow. It’s strategic location on the Mississippi River, just south of Island Number 10, allowed for controlling movement on the river. Union ships bombarded the Fort for weeks placing pressure on the troops stationed there. But it was the Confederate loss of Corinth, which left Fort Pillow isolated in Union territory which caused Confederate troops evacuated the Fort June 4th 1862 leaving the river clear for Union troops to invade Memphis Tennessee. The Union held the Fort until April 1864 when during the Battle of Fort Pillow the Confederate victory ended in the killing of 229 Union soldiers out of the 262 who where in the battle.

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