Friday, February 19, 2010

His Stirrup Broke

Confederate officer William Edwin Baldwin died February 19th 1864.

William Edwin Baldwin was born July 28th 1827. He owned a bookstore in Columbus Mississippi and was a member of the local militia. Baldwin enlisted in the Confederate army when Mississippi seceded, and was commissioned a Colonel in the 17th Mississippi Infantry. He was briefly posted in Pensacola Florida, before the Unit was sent to Tennessee and then Kentucky. Baldwin was captured at the Battle of Fort Donelson. After being exchanged he was sent to West Tennessee and promoted to Brigadier General. Baldwin took over command of a brigade of Tennessee and Mississippi soldiers, who saw service at the Battle of Coffeeville, and in the Vicksburg Campaign. He was captured again, but once again managed a release and was assigned to the District of Mobile. Baldwin died February 19th 1864 when his stirrup broke and he fell off his horse near Dog River Factory in Alabama.

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