Saturday, December 14, 2013

Lost Forty Percent

Colonel Curran Pope
The 15th Kentucky Infantry was mustered into Union service December 14th 1861 under the command of Colonel Curran Pope.

The 15th Kentucky Infantry was organized in New Haven, Kentucky for a three year enlistment. Most of the men came from the city of Louisville, Kentucky and the surrounding area.   They mustered into Union service December 14th 1861 and were attached to the 16th Brigade of the Union Army of the Ohio.  The Colonel of the 15th was Curran Pope a West Pointer

The men started their duty at Bacon Creek, Kentucky, before moving with the army to Bowling Green, Kentucky, Nashville, and Murfreesboro, Tennessee. They saw their first fighting at the Battle of Perryville on October 8th 1862, where their Colonel was killed, and the regiment lost about 40% of its strength.  The 15th would also see action at the Battles of Chickamauga, Resaca, Kennesaw Mountain, Jonesboro, and other western theater battles.

The 15th mustered out of Union service January 14th 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.  The regiment had 10 officers and 243 enlisted men die of wounds or disease during their service.

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