Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Skirmish Near Tampa

A small skirmish, the Battle of Fort Brooke was fought near Tampa, Florida on October 16th 1863.

As a diversion two Union ships the USS Tahoma and USS Adela opened a bombardment on Fort Brooke, near Tampa, Florida on October 16th 1863.  While this artillery attack was going on, Union Acting Master T R Harris took command of a landing party, which disembarked at Ballast Point.  This group of men marched fourteen miles to the Hillsborough River, where they captured and burned the CSS Scottish Chief and the CSS Kate Dale both blockade runners.  Harris and his group would have also taken a steamer the A B Noyes, but the Confederate sailors had her scuttled to prevent capture.

As Harris’ landing party made their way back to their ship, they were surprised by members of Company A of the Confederate 2nd Florida Infantry.  It was a brief fight with a few casualties. 

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