Saturday, March 9, 2013

Coins Minted

The Confederate Coinage Bill passed the Confederate Congress March 9th 1861, authorizing the minting of up to Fifty million dollars.

As the Civil War got rolling, the cost of that war became a reality.  Most precious metals available in the Confederacy were sent to Europe to buy military equipment, but a few coins were minted.  In early March 1861 the Confederacy commissioned Robert Lovett Jr of Philadelphia, PA to design and engrave a one cent piece.  Some of the coins were minted using the then standard cupronickel, however the thought of being held for helping the enemy made Lovett stop his work, and he hid the dies for the coin.  There were some half dollar coins minted by orders of Christopher Gustavus Memminger the Confederate Secretary of the Treasury, on a hand press at the New Orleans Mint, with a die made by engraver AHM Peterson.  There were also gold dollars minted in Dahlonega, GA, as well as half eagles in Dahlonega and Charlotte, NC.  Do to the difficulty of getting metals, all the mints within the Confederacy were closed June 1st 1861.

The Confederacy solved their problem of coinage by making United States silver coins up to $10 legal, as well as English, French, Mexican and Spanish coins.

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