Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The First Volunteers

Maxcy Gregg
The 1st South Carolina Infantry known as “Gregg’s First” was constituted January 1st 1861 by an order of South Carolina Governor Francis W Pickens.

South Carolina Governor Francis W Pickens passed an order for the formation of a regiment of soldiers for the state on January 1st 1861.  The 1st South Carolina Volunteers was raised for six months and mustered in at Columbia, South Carolina February 1st 1861 under the command of Colonel Maxcy Gregg.  The regiment was made up of 11 companies, one more then called for, so Company “D” became artillery.  They moved to join other military units on Morris and Sullivan Islands and served as part of the forces bombing Fort Sumter.  In April the 1st was sent to Richmond, Virginia, the first regiment from another state to transfer to the Army of Northern Virginia.  Their enlistment ended in early July 1861.

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