Friday, January 4, 2013

Protecting The Northern Border

Major Johiah Grout Jr
The Union Frontier Cavalry was organized by the authority of the War Department, and it’s first unit was organized on January 4th 1865 to patrol New England’s northern border.

The Frontier Cavalry organized under the special authority of the Union War Department in December 1864.  It was a volunteer regiment and was placed under Union General John A Dix’s Department of the East.  It was organized as a response to the raid by Confederates on October 19th 1864 in St Albans, VT.  At the beginning it was made up of returned veterans, militia and in Vermont by cadets from Norwich Military Academy.

The cavalry regiment was known as the 26th New York Cavalry, and was made up of 7 companies from New York, 2 from Massachusetts, and 2 from Vermont.  The Vermont companies which were raised by General Order #6 were stationed in St Albans, VT; the other companies were stationed in New York along the Canadian border.  The first Vermont unit was recruited in Rutland, VT and filled out January 4th 1865.  The commander of the regiment was Union Major Josiah Grout Jr who had served in the 1st Vermont Cavalry.

The Vermont companies mustered out of service June 27th 1865.

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