Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Skirmish Over Hancock

The Battle of Hancock a part of Jackson’s Romney Expedition was fought January 5th and 6th 1862.

Confederate General Thomas J Jackson led his men on January 1st 1862 from Winchester, Virginia to Bath, Virginia for an attack on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal.  They arrived on the Potomac River on January 5th 1862 across the river from the town of Hancock, Maryland.

There was a skirmish with the Union soldiers garrisoned in the town.  Jackson had artillery moved to Orrick’s Hill, and they opened fire on the town.  The garrison commander Union Brigadier General Frederick W Lander refused to surrender his position.  Jackson continued the bombing of Hancock for two days.

Jackson withdrew his men on January 7th 1862 and they moved on to Romney, Virginia.

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