Saturday, December 8, 2012

The First Dragoons Form

The Prattville Dragoons were organized December 8th 1860 in Autauga County, Alabama.

The original idea for forming a company was made by Samuel D Oliver of Robinson Springs, Alabama.  The Prattville Dragoons were organized December 8th 1860 in the parlor of George L Smith at Prattville, Alabama.  Each member of the company was presented with a cavalry uniform, made of black broadcloth with gold trim.  Their first Captain, as voted by the men was Jesse Cox of Mobile, Alabama.  There were 18 officers, 82 privates and 2 black cooks.  The men formed for their send off at the Prattville Academy, where they were presented with a silk flag, hand sown by the ladies of the town.

The Dragoons moved to camp in Pensacola, Florida were they were placed under Confederate General Braxton Bragg.  The men were issued arms and became a mounted unit, Company I of the 7th Alabama Infantry.  They took part in the Battle of Shiloh in April 1862.  In June 1862 most of the men reenlisted, becoming part of Company H of the 3rd Alabama Cavalry.  They saw action throughout the rest of war particularly at Barmlet’s Station and the Battle of Perryville.

The regiment reduced by heavy losses surrendered in North Carolina on April 26th 1865, as a part of Confederate General Joseph E Johnston army.

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