Monday, November 19, 2012

First Battle In Indian Territory

The Battle of Round Mountain was fought in Indian Territory on November 19th 1861 near Yale, Oklahoma.

Confederate Colonel Douglas Hancock Cooper the commander of the Indian Department moved on November 15th 1861 with about 1,400 troops, including the 1st Choctaw and Chickasaw Regiment to bring Chief Opothleyahola the leader of a band of Union supporting Creeks and Seminoles, under Confederate control or drive them out of the territory.  Cooper’s men found Opothleyahola’s camp on the Deep Fork of the Canadian River empty.  On November 19th 1861 Cooper got information that Opothleyahola was working a fort near the Red Fork of the Arkansas River.

At about 4 pm on November 19th Cooper’s cavalry found the Indians had abandoned there camp on the Red Fork.  Trying to follow Opothleyahola’s people the 4th Texas ran into warriors at the foot of Round Mountains just inside the tree line.  There was a short fight and then Opothleyahola’s men set the prairie grass on fire, and retreated under that cover.

The next morning Cooper’s men found that Opothleyahola and his Union supporters had fled the area.  The Confederates called it a victory as they had drove Opothleyahola out of the territory.  By the end of 1861 the Indians had fled to Kansas.

If you are interested in reading more, check out BATTLE OF ROUND MOUNTAIN

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