Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Doctor, A Politican, A Soldier

Confederate Colonel and former United States Congressman Henry Marchmore Shaw was killed November 1st 1864.

Henry Marchmore Shaw was born November 20th 1819 in Newport, Rhode Island.  He graduated in 1838 from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia with a medical degree and opened a practice in Indiantown, North Carolina.  As a politician he ran as a Democrat and was elected to the United States Congress, surviving from 1853 to 1859 with a gap during 55 -57.

When the Civil War started Shaw enlisted in the Confederate Army.  He was made a Colonel in the 8th North Carolina, and commanded them at the Battle of Roanoke Island in September 1861.  When Union General Ambrose Burnside attacked the Island in February 1862, Shaw captured.  During a battle near New Bern, North Carolina he was killed on November 1st 1864.  Shaw was buried in Shawboro Cemetery in Shawboro, North Carolina.

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