Friday, June 1, 2012

A Small Skirmish

The Battle of Arlington Mills was a skirmish fought June 1st 1861 right after the Battle of Fairfax Court House.

Around 11pm on the night of June 1st 1861, following the Battle of Fairfax Court House, there was a skirmish at Arlington Mills, Virginia.  A small group of Virginian Militia; numbering about nine men, soon to be Confederate soldiers, fired at Union soldiers from Company E of the 1st Michigan Infantry and the 11th New York Infantry.  The Union soldiers were camped at Arlington Mills and were posted on picket duty when fired on.  In the confusion and darkness the Union troops fired on each other as well as the Virginians.

Casualties were light, with 1 Union soldier killed, a Private Henry S Cornell, and 1 each Confederate and Union wounded.  The Virginians fell back quickly.

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