Monday, May 21, 2012

A Three Year Regiment

Henry W Slocum
Union Colonel Henry W Slocum organized the 27th New York Infantry; it was accepted May 21st 1861 at Elmira, New York.

The 27th New York Infantry was organized at Elmira, New York by Colonel Henry W Slocum.  The State of New York accepted the regiment on May 21st 1861.  It mustered into service in early June and left for Washington, DC on July 10th 1861.  The 27th saw its first action at the First Battle of Bull Run on July 21st 1861.  The men of the 27th were also in Battles at Yorktown, Gaines’ Mills, Crampton’s Gap, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and others in the early part of the war.

The 27th was a three year regiment, and their enlistment was up on May 31st 1863.  The men mustered out at Elmira, New York.  They had 4 officers and 142 enlisted men killed, die from wounds or disease during their service.

If you’re interested in learning more about the 27th Infantry Regiment Civil War Union Regiment this is a good web site.

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