Friday, April 20, 2012

It Came Down To The Navy

The Battle of Plymouth was fought between April 17th and April 20th 1864 in Washington County, North Carolina.

Confederate Brigadier General Robert F Hoke moved to disrupt Union occupation on the North Carolina coast in early 1864.  Moving with 13,000 troops and the naval support of the CSS Albemarle Hoke’s men attacked Plymouth, North Carolina on April 17th 1864.  Union defense of Plymouth was under the command of Brigadier General Henry W Wessells.  Wessells had about 3,000 men with him, and the support of the Union navy.

Both sides saw heavy fighting on April 18th 1864, with Union troops well entrenched in Plymouth, and the Union gunboats able to fire on the Hoke’s soldiers at will, as the CSS Albemarle hadn’t yet arrived.  The Albemarle under the command of Commander James W Cooke, came down the Roanoke in the early morning of April 19th 1864 and joined the fight.  The Confederate ship quickly wiped out the Union navy leaving Wessells surrounded.

The Union troops held out until April 20th 1864.  Wessells surrendered about 10 am.

If you like more information on this topic check out The Battle of Plymouth

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