Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Freed The Gunboats

The 5th Minnesota Infantry came to Union Admiral David Dixon Porter’s rescue on the Red River at Campti, Louisiana on April 3rd 1864.

Minnesota Governor Alexander Ramsey received authorization from the United State Assistant Secretary of War, Thomas A Scott on October 23rd 1861; to raise a fifth regiment.  The 5th Minnesota mustered into Union service April 30th 1862 at Fort Snelling, Minnesota.

Union General A J Smith with two brigades, including the 5th were called to Campti, Louisiana on April 3rd 1864.  Union Admiral David Dixon Porter’s gunboats had become trapped on the Red River at Campti.  After freeing the gunboats, which moved safely upriver, the 5th Minnesota along with the rest of Smith’s men burnt the town of Campti.

The 5th Minnesota lost 8 officers and 261 enlisted, were killed, or died of wounds and diseases during the war.

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