Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Offical Seal

The date February 22nd 1862 is found on the Great Seal of the Confederate States of America.

The Great Seal of the Confederate States of America was the official stamp of the Confederate government.  It had eleven stars to represent the eleven states that voted to secede from the Union.  In the center is the figure of George Washington as he is found on the statue of him in Richmond, Virginia.  There is a wreath made up of corn, cotton, rice, sugar cane, tobacco, and wheat.  The seal included the words “The Confederate States of America”, the motto “Deo Vindice” [ “With God as Champion”] and the date 22 February 1862.  The date on the seal stands for Confederate President Jefferson Davis’ inauguration as well as George Washington’s birth date.

The design was finished on April 30th 1863 and the dies were ordered from British engraver Joseph S Wyon.  The dies were crafted out of silver. They were given to James Mason a Confederate agent in England.  Mason gave them to Confederate Naval Lieutenant R T Chapman, and after running the naval blockade eventually they made it to Richmond, Virginia.  When the Confederate government fell in Richmond, Virginia in April 1865 the wife of William J Bromwell smuggled the seal out of the city.

A good place to look for more information is The Great Seal of the Confederacy

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