Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Short Life As A Union Ship

The USS Diana was a part of the Union engagement at Brashear City and Bayou Teche, Louisiana on January 14th 1863.

The USS Diana was built in 1858 in Brownsville, Pennsylvania.  She was a 239 ton side wheeled steamship.

On April 27th 1862 Diana was captured from the Confederacy at New Orleans, Louisiana.  She was turned over to Union General Benjamin Franklin Butler.  For the next few months she was used as a Union transport ship.  In November 1862 the USS Diana was transferred to the Union Navy.  On January 14th 1863 Diana took part in an attack on Confederate forces at Bayou Teche, Louisiana, and the demolition of the CSS J A Cotton.

The USS Diana was doing reconnaissance on Grand Lake, Louisiana and the Atchafalaya River when she was captured by the Confederates March 28th 1863.  A few weeks later the Diana was destroyed by Union forces.

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