Sunday, January 8, 2012

One Of Three Forts

Confederate troops under Colonel William Henry Chase demanded the surrender of the Union held Fort Barrancas located near Pensacola, Florida January 8th 1861.

Fort Barrancas was a hilltop fort built near Pensacola, Florida.   The fort was built of brick with a connected underground walkway to a battery located down the hill at sea level.  United States General Andrew Jackson fought two battles at Fort Barrancas against the Spanish one in 1814 and again in 1818.  The United State acquired Florida from Spain in 1821 and Fort Barrancas, along with Fort McRee and Fort Pickens were designed to defend Pensacola Bay.

At the start of the Civil War in 1861 Fort Barrancas was manned by 50 Union soldiers, under the command of Lieutenant Adam J Slemmer.  Florida militia under the command of Confederate Colonel William Henry Chase made a call for the surrender of the Union troops holding the Fort on January 8th 1861.  Slemmer ordered that warning shots be made on the militia.  Knowing that he could hold Fort Pickens more easily, Slemmer had the guns of Fort Barrancas spiked, and the Fort’s supplies and ammo loaded on a flatboat.  He moved the Union company to Fort Pickens, which was held the rest of war by the Union.

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