Friday, November 25, 2011

Ambushed At His Mother's Home

Confederate Captain Redmond Burke was killed November 25th 1862 as he approached a home in Shepherdstown, Virginia.

Redmond Burke was born in Ireland in 1816.  He lived in Harper's Ferry and worked as a stonecutter.

When the Civil War started Burke enlisted as a Private in the 1st Virginia Cavalry.  He was transferred to serve on Confederate Major General JEB Stuart’s staff as aide decamp and scout and was portrayed as "a man of great presence of mind and courage and had done some deeds of desperate gallantry".  He was commissioned on April 3rd 1862 as a Lieutenant.  He was wounded twice, once in the leg at the Battle of Brandy Station and in the wrist at Fredericksburg.  Burke had reached the rank of Captain by November 1862.

Burke and several companions went to the home of his mother in Shepherdstown, Virginia on November 25th 1862.  It was here that Union soldiers ambushed him.  He was killed.  When Stuart learned of Burke’s death he wrote of him that “he possessed a heart intrepid, a spirit invincible, patriotism too lofty to admit a selfish thought and a conscience that scorned to do a mean act. A devoted champion of the South, his gray hairs have descended in honor to the grave, leaving a shining example of heroism and patriotism to those who survive…”

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