Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Northern State Remebered In The South

The Rhode Island Monument to her Civil War soldiers, was dedicated October 6th 1909 in New Bern, North Carolina.

The Rhode Island Monument was donated to the New Bern, North Carolina National cemetery, in honor of her volunteers who died in the state during the Civil War.  The monument is of a bronze classical female figure standing on top of a pink granite base.  It was designed and sculpted by William Whitney Manatt of the Gorham Manufacturing Company of Providence, Rhode Island.  The monument was dedicated October 6th 1909, and the inscription on it reads, “Erected by the state of Rhode Island to commemorate the services of Rhode Island Volunteers who gave up their lives in North Carolina during the Civil War 1861 – 1865.  Fourth Rhode Island Infantry.  Fifth Rhode Island Heavy Artillery.   Battery F First Rhode Island Light Artillery.”

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