Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Death Of The South's Hero

Confederate General Robert E Lee died October 12th 1870 in Lexington, Virginia.

Robert E Lee spent the day of September 28th 1870 going about his duties as the President of Washington and Lee University.  He attended a meeting of the Vestry of Grace Church in the afternoon, and then went home.  Sitting down to tea, he started to say grace, but when Lee opened his mouth, no sound came out, and he slid in his chair.  Lee had suffered a stroke.

Hope was that the attack was not serious and Lee would soon be back at work.  Once the doctors reached him Lee was diagnosed to have a Congestion of the Brain, as he lay in a coma.  Very little changed with his condition and on October 12th 1870, while surround by family Lee passed away about 9:30 in the morning.  He is buried under the Lee Chapel at the Washington and Lee University.
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