Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Small Battle In Arkansas

The Battle of Hill’s Plantation was fought July 7th 1862 in Woodruff County, Arkansas.

In the summer of 1862 Union Major General Samuel R Curtis moved his army into the Helena, Arkansas area, looking for supplies which the United States Navy had promised but hadn’t delivered. As the Union troops moved south toward a supply flotilla in Clarendon, they skirmished with Confederate troops. Confederate Brigadier General Albert Rust moved on Curtis’ men on July 7th 1862 along the Cache River. Rust’s men hit the Union troops about four miles south of the river on the Parley Hill plantation. The out numbered Union troop under the command of Charles E Hovey, repeatedly repulsed attacks made by the Confederate cavalry of Colonel William H Parson. As Union reinforcements arrived the Confederate’s disengaged.

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