Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Marine

Union Marine Corps officer Robert Leamy Meade was commissioned a second lieutenant June 14th 1862.

Robert Leamy Meade was born December 25th 1842 in Washington DC.

Meade received a commission to Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps June 14th 1862. During the July 1863 New York City draft riots, Meade commanded a Marine battalion, brought into the city to suppress the rioters. On September 8th 1863 he was a part of a boat attack made against Fort Sumter. Meade received a brevet for his service in this action.

After the Civil War ended Meade stayed in the service. He served during the Spanish - American War, and fought in the Battle of Santiago de Cuba. Meade received a promotion March 3rd 1899 to Colonel. During the Chinese Boxer Rebellion he was at the Battle of Tientsin. Meade retired from the Marines with the rank of Brigadier General June 29th 1906. He died February 11th 1910 in Lexington, Massachusetts.


  1. This might be a picture of his brother, Richard W. Meade II, a Union Naval officer. Both he and his brother Robert were nephews of Union General George Meade.

    Their father, Richard W. Meade II, also commanded the USS North Carolina receiving ship in New York Harbor and was comander of the USS San Jacinto when it hit a reef and sank off the Bahamas in 1865.

    Another brother, Henry Meigs Meade was a paymaster on the USS New York during the war.

  2. Thanks for sharing this information. It's helpful to get more and corected information.
