Sunday, April 3, 2011

Looking For A Place To Cross The River

Fought on April 3rd and 4th 1864 the Battle of Elkin’s Ferry was part of the Camden Expedition in Arkansas.

Union Major General Frederick Steele had command of the VII Corps and two cavalry brigades. Confederate Brigadier General John S Marmaduke commanded three cavalry brigades. Steele’s men needed to find a place to cross the Little Missouri River, and with all the bridges out they headed to Elkin’s Ferry. Having reached Elkin’s Ferry the Union troops were attacked on April 3rd by Confederate Brigadier General Joseph Orville Shelby’s cavalry. Steele was attacked the next day while trying to cross the river by Marmaduke, but was able to drive off the Confederates and cross the river.

Casualties on both side were light. On the Union side about 30 were wounded. On the Confederate side 50 were wounded and 18 killed. On the evening of April 4th 1864 Shelby and Marmaduke joined forces. The next morning they withdrew south to Prairie D’Ann.

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