Sunday, March 27, 2011

Encircled Fort Falls

Beginning March 27th 1865 and running through April 8th 1865 the Battle of Spanish Fort was fought in Baldwin County Alabama.

Although the Union won the Battle of Mobile Bay, Mobile itself remained under Confederate control. On the eastern defense of Mobile was the heavily fortified Spanish Fort. Union Major General Edward R S Canby’s XIII and XVI Corp’s embarked on a land campaign, moving along the eastern shore of Mobile Bay, pushing the Confederates back into their defenses. The Union troops focused on Spanish Fort, five miles to the north of Mobile. Canby’s Corps met on March 27th 1865 at Danley’s Ferry and began a siege of the fort. They had completely encircled Spanish Fort by April 1st 1865 and captured it on April 8th 1865. The Confederate troops under the command of Brigadier General Randall L Gibson mostly escaped and retreated to Mobile. There were 744 Confederate casualties and 657 Union losses.

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