Sunday, January 23, 2011

Maine Goes To Texas

The 15th Maine Infantry, a three year Regiment mustered into service January 23rd 1862.

Organized in Augusta, Maine December 6th through 31st 1861, the 15th Maine Infantry mustered into the Union Army on January 23rd 1862 for a three year enlistment. They embarked for Ship Island, Mississippi from Portland, Maine March 6th 1862. The 15th was attached to Butler’s New Orleans Expeditionary Corp, the 3rd Brigade, Department of the Gulf. They were part of the Expedition to the Rio Grande and the occupation of Brownsville, Texas, and the Battle of Sabine Cross Roads. The 15th moved to Bermuda Hundred, Virginia where they did duty in the trenches until July 28th .

The 15th Maine mustered out of service July 5th 1866. The 15th had 5 enlisted killed in battle, 3 officers and 340 enlisted died from disease during the war.

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