Friday, December 17, 2010

Holding The Bridge

The Battle of Rowlett’s Station was fought in Hart County, Kentucky December 17th 1861 as the Union tried to hold a railroad bridge on the Green River.

Union Brigadier General Don Carlos; in command of the Army of the Ohio, ordered Brigadier General Alexander McDowell McCook to Nolin, Kentucky. The Confederates set up a defensive line along the Green River near Munfordville, Kentucky. The Union moved on the enemy on December 10th 1861. The Confederates under Brigadier General Thomas C Hindman countered by blowing up a pier on the Louisville & Nashville Railroad bridge. Two companies of the 32nd Indiana Infantry crossed the river to protect against a surprise while a pontoon bridge was being constructed. The bridge was completed December 17th 1861. Four more companied of the 32nd crossed the river and advanced to a hill south of Woodsonville. That afternoon they spotted Confederates in the woods in front of them. Advancing on them, the Confederates fell back until Confederate cavalry attacked. After fighting for a time, both sides pulled back to a stronger positions. The battle was inconclusive, but the Union held the area which allowed for movement of men and supplies on the Railroad.

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