Friday, August 20, 2010

Legendary 20th Maine

The 20th Maine and Joshua L Chamberlain were mustered into service on August 20th 1862 under Colonel Adelbert Ames. They were assigned to the 5th Corps in the Army of the Potomac, part of Colonel Strong Vincent‘s Brigade in the First Division. Although they were at Antietam, their first action was on Marye’s Heights during the Battle of Fredericksburg. When the 20th reached Gettysburg, Chamberlain was in command, and it was here on July 2nd 1863 that they became part of legend.

The 20th Maine left Appomattox Virginia after the surrender of General Robert E Lee on May 2nd 1865, and marched to Washington DC. The men were mustered out of service July 16th 1865. The initial enrollment of the 20th Maine was 1,621 men, 150 died in combat, 146 died of disease, and 381 were wounded.

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