Thursday, July 1, 2010

Old Pop

General George Sears Greens graduated from West Point July 1st 1823, he was second in a class of thirty-five.
George Sears Green the son of Caleb Green was born in Warwick Rhode Island May 6th 1801. He graduated from West Point July 1st 1823, and served as an artillery officer until 1836. He then worked for twenty-five years as a civil engineer. Green volunteered in January 1862 as the Colonel of the 60th New York Infantry, becoming a Brigadier General in April. Commanding a brigade he saw service in the battles of Antietam, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. At Gettysburg he was the oldest Union General on the field, his men calling him “Old Pop“ or “Old Man Greene“. At Gettysburg on the evening of the second day it was Greene’s defense of Culp’s Hill that saved the Union right flank.
After the war Greene went back to his civil engineering work in New York. He became one of the founders of the American Society of Civil Engineers and Architects. He also wrote a genealogy “Greenes of Rhode Island” in 1903.

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