Saturday, July 17, 2010

The First Confederate Victory

The Battle of Scary Creek in today’s West Virginia was fought July 17th 1861.
Just four months into the beginning of the Civil War and a few day before the Battle of First Manassas the Battle of Scary Creek occurred. Fought July 17th 1861 near present day Nitro, Putnam, W Virginia about ten miles north of Charleston WV. Union troops under General Jacob Cox moved into the Kanawha Valley from Ohio. Confederate General Henry A Wise had a couple thousand soldiers near present day St Albans, West Virginia.
Confederate Captain George S Patton had command of a line along Scary Creek, a few miles in front of the main camp. Several Union regiments under Colonel John W Lowe advanced on them. In a heated five hour fight the Union forces attempted to charge across a bridge near the mouth of the creek, but were forced to withdraw. Captain Patton was wounded during the action and Captain Albert Gallatin Jenkins took over the Rebel command.

For some reason the Confederates thought the Union troops were being reinforced, and retreat as well. They soon realized their mistake and returned to take control of the battlefield. Casualties were light on both sides, with the Federals loosing about 44 killed and wounded, and Confederates about 17. This Confederate victory was quickly overshadowed by First Bull Run.

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