Friday, May 28, 2010

Feeling Out The Lines

The Battle of Dallas, part of the Atlanta Campaign happened on May 28th 1864.

Union Major General William Tecumseh Sherman learned on May 24th 1864 that his Confederate equivalent General Joseph E Johnston was forming a defensive line along the south side of Pumpkinvine Creek. Johnston’s army fell back during a series of skirmishes, first to Allatoona Pass, and then to the Dallas, Georgia area where they entrenched. Sherman’s army also entrenched while feeling out the Rebel line. The Battle of Dallas on May 28th 1864 began with Confederate Lieutenant General William J Hardee’s Corps made a probe into the Union defensive line held by Union Major General John A Logan, looking for weaknesses. Fighting occurred at several different points, with the Confederates being driven off after suffering high casualties.

Sherman vacated his position at Dallas on June 5th 1864 and moved to the railroad at Allatoona Pass, where he could get supplies and men by train. Johnston followed shortly after.

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