Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Train Took Him Home

The train carrying the bodies of Abraham Lincoln and his son Willie left Washington DC on April 21st 1865.

After Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, his body was taken from Washington DC to Springfield Illinois. His coffin was taken at 7am to the depot and place in the funeral car. The funeral train which carried Lincoln’s body and his son William Wallace “Willie” Lincoln was accompanied by Lincoln’s oldest son Robert Todd Lincoln, and other dignitaries. The train left Washington DC on April 21st 1865 at 8am to make a 1,654 mile trip. The funeral train was made up of nine cars, including the hearse and baggage car. The car which held Lincoln’s body had been built for the President’s use, but this was the first time he had ever ridden in it. Many stops were made along way were Lincoln’s body laid in state. The train traveled somewhat along the route which Lincoln had traveled on his way to his first inauguration 1861. No one traveled on the train unless authorized by the War department, the train never traveled faster than 20 miles an hour. Mary Todd Lincoln was to upset to make the trip and remained at the White House, she wouldn’t return to Illinois until a month later.

Lincoln would be interred at Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield Illinois, along with his wife and three of his four sons [Robert Todd Lincoln is buried in Arlington National Cemetery]. The train was destroyed by a prairie fire in 1911 in Minneapolis Minnesota.

A couple of other web site I recommend looking at about this subject
Abraham Lincoln in Buffalo; A Solemn Day In The City
The Lincoln Funeral Train