Friday, April 30, 2010

He Fell From A Porch

Joseph Evan Davis the son of Confederate President Jefferson Davis died April 30th 1864.

Joseph Evan Davis was born April 18th 1859 in Washington, DC, the son of Jefferson and Varina Davis, while his father was serving in the United States Senate from Mississippi. Joseph was named after his Uncle and a Great-grandfather, over the protests of his mother. “Little Joe” was a bright, very well behaved boy and the favorite of his father.

On April 30th 1864 at age four he fell from the east portico of the Confederate White House in Richmond, Virginia. Accounts of the fall say it took place between 5 and 7 pm, while his parents were out. Joe was found by a servant lying on the pavement below the porch, a fall of about fifteen feet. He lived until just about the time his parent arrived back home. Jefferson Davis spent the night pacing and refused to see anyone.

Joe’s funeral was held on May 1st 1864 at St Paul’s Episcopal Church in Richmond Virginia. He is buried in Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia. The children of Richmond raised $40 in May 1866 to purchased a monument for Joe’s grave. There are no known photos of the child.


  1. The railing he fell over was featured on the show GHOST NATION

  2. I'm trying to authenticate that that railing on Ghost Nation is the very railing from the White House of the Confederacy in Richmond VA. If it is the same did it end up with the house in Halifax VA?
