Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Letter To The Daughter Of An Old Friend

President Abraham Lincoln wrote a lovely letter to Fanny McCullough of Bloomington Illinois on December 23rd 1862.

It was a letter of sympathy for McCullough’s father Lieutenant Colonel William McCullough who was killed in a battle near Coffeeville Mississippi while with the 4th Illinois Cavalry. William McCullough had worked for the McLean County Circuit Court in Bloomington Illinois, where Lincoln often had law cases. McCullough and Lincoln had known each other well, Fanny remembered sitting on Lincoln’s knee as a child.

He wrote "You can not now realize that you will ever feel better...You are sure to be happy again...I have had experience enough to know...The memory of your dear Father, instead of an agony, will yet be a sad sweet feeling in your heart, of a purer, and holier sort than you have known before."

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