Thursday, September 10, 2009

Drove They Out Of Western Virginia

As part of the campaign in Western Virginia, on September 10th 1861 the Battle of Carnifex Ferry in Nicholas County Virginia [now WV] took place.

Confederate Brigadier General John B Floyd and his troops; after routing the 7th Ohio in early September 1861 set up a camp near Carnifex Ferry. They began building entrenchments near Summersville VA on the rim of the Gauley River Canyon on the farm of Henry Patterson. Union Brigadier General William S Rosecrans moved three brigades of infantry south from Clarksburg VA into position on the afternoon of September 10th 1861. They advanced on the Confederate’s position.

The battle carried on through the day only ending when darkness came. The strong Union artillery held the day, causing General Floyd to pull his troops back, crossing to the south side of the Gauley River. The Confederates than moved on eastward toward Lewisburg VA.

The Union victory at the Battle of Carnifex Ferry helped drive the Confederates out of western Virginia and would eventually lead to the creation of the state of West Virginia.

Other information about the battle
The Battle of Carnifex Ferry The West Virginia Review November 1931

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